[wptabsy shortcode_id=”1184″ alignment=”left” shadow=”1″ active=”#ffffff,#1e73be,#CECECE” inactive=”#111111,#fcfcfc,#CECECE” tabcontent=”#111111,#ffffff,#CECECE” shadow=”1″][tab icon=”fa-check-square-o”]Teacher\’s Guidelines[/tab][tab icon=”fa-thumbs-o-up”]CAN-DOS[/tab][tab icon=”fa-smile-o”]Activity[/tab][tabcontent]Title of ER: Relationships: Unit 5 – Other relationships (Acquaintances, Classmates, Pets, Romantic Partners, Roommates)
Level: A2
Israeli level: pre-basic1, pre-basic2
Target audience: all college level students
General goals/objectives: (writing, speaking)
Specific goals/objectives:
- research student’s own facebook account
- write an email or a letter to someone from the past
- speak for 3 minutes about a relationship
Materials needed for activity: (check the following)
- Internet access
- projector
Time: 60 minutes
Students research their facebook account, write an email or a letter to someone from the past and speak for 3 minutes about a relationship.
Activity 1
Ask students to enter their Facebook account, count and write down the following:
- How many contacts do you have on Facebook?
- How many of them are family members?
- How many are friends?
- How many are current or former coworkers?
- How many are current or former classmates?
- How many are just acquaintances?
- Do you accept everyone as a contact on Facebook?
- What is a Facebook relationship? How is it different from real life relationships?
- What do you share on Facebook?
- Is your account open to the public or limited to friends only?
Activity 2
- Teach students the structure of an email or a letter.
- Teach students how to proofread an essay
- Students write an email or a letter to someone they have unfinished business with, telling them what their issue with them is: how the person hurt them, what they would like to hear from the person or to happen between them, etc.
Grade students’ work according to the following grading rubric:
Introduction (Opening Paragraph) 20 points
Body 50 points
Concluding Paragraph 10 points
Writing Conventions (grammar, syntax, connectors) 20 points
Activity 3
- Students speak for three minutes about a relationship they have.
2. Grade student’s oral presentation according to the following grading rubric:
Each presentation is graded on a scale of 0-10 according to the following parameters:
1. Length: 0-3 points in 0.5 intervals (i.e., if the student spoke for 1.5 minutes, their grade is 1.5 points)
2. Content: 0-2 points
0 points – speaking is irrelevant to topic.
1 point – speaking is relevant to topic with some deviation or not covering enough points within the topic
2 points – speaking is relevant to the topic and fully covers it
3. Communicative ability: 0-2 points
0 points – reading the entire text from the page; zero eye contact with the audience
1 point – turning to the page quite a lot but maintaining some eye contact with the audience
2 points – looking at the page no more than once every 20-30 seconds; ample eye contact with the audience
4. Language use: 0-3 points in 0.5 intervals
(Correct) use of connectors, grammar, syntax, and vocabulary[/tabcontent][tabcontent]CAN-DOS
- Production / Writing; Creative writing; Can write simple phrases and sentences about themselves (adapted A1)
- Production / Speaking; Sustained monologue: Describing experience; Can describe everyday aspects of his/her environment, e.g. people, places, a job or study experience. Can give short, basic descriptions of events and activities (A2+)
[/tabcontent][tabcontent]By the end of this LO, you should be able to:
- write an email or a letter to someone you know
- speak about one of your relationships for three minutes