Description: Learn about forms of alternative energy; select a project requiring alternative energy; research two different forms; and present both forms; deciding which one would be more suitable for the project.
[wptabsy shortcode_id=”1003″ alignment=”left” active=”#ffffff,#1e73be,#CECECE” inactive=”#111111,#fcfcfc,#CECECE” tabcontent=”#111111,#ffffff,#CECECE”][tab icon=”fa-check-square-o”]Teacher Guidelines[/tab][tab icon=”fa-thumbs-o-up”]CAN-DOs[/tab][tab icon=”fa-thumbs-o-up”]Activity[/tab][tabcontent]Title of LO: Giving a talk about alternative energy
Level: B1
Target audience: all college level students
General goals/objectives: reading comprehension, formal presentation
Specific goals/objectives:
- Understand the advantages/disadvantages of different forms of alternative energy, based on a video clip.
- Research advantages/disadvantages of different forms of alternative energy, using reliable sources
- Present the advantages/disadvantages and decide most suitable form for a specific context
Materials needed for activity: (check the following)
X internet access _ projector _ speakers _ printout X BYOD (Bring Your Own Device – smartphone, tablet)
_ other:_____________
Time: 10 academic hours
Learn about forms of alternative energy, select a project requiring alternative energy, research two different forms, and present both forms, deciding which one would be more suitable for the project.
Activity 1
Discussion talk on alternative energy[/tabcontent][tabcontent]
Reception / Listening | Listening to audio | Can understand the content of the majority of recorded or broadcast audio material delivered in standard dialect on topics in his or her field, delivered relatively slowly and clearly (adapted B1 and B1+) |
Reception / Reading | Overall reading comprehension | Can read with a large degree of independence, relatively short academic texts on general subjects that do not require field-specific/expert knowledge (adapted B2) |
Reception / Reading | Reading for orientation | Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired information, and gather information from different parts of a text to fulfill a specific task (adapted B1+) |
Reception / Reading | Reading for information and argument | Can identify the main conclusions in clearly signaled argumentative texts (B1+) |
Reception / Reading | Reading for information and argument | Can follow the main line of argument in texts that present issues though not necessarily in detail (adapted B1+) |
Production / Speaking | Addressing audiences | Can give a prepared straightforward presentation on a familiar topic which is clear enough to be followed without difficulty most of the time, and in which the main points are explained with reasonable precision (adapted B1) |
Production / Speaking | Addressing audiences | Can take a series of straightforward follow-up questions but may have to ask for repetition of the question(s) (adapted B1) |
- Learn about new alternative energies with this video.
- Focus question: list one advantage and one disadvantage of each kind of energy.
- Your company/government is looking into implementing one form of alternative energy. Your job is to present two forms of alternative energy and then to recommend one of them in a 3-5 minute presentation. Make sure that your talk includes the following flow:
Issue: Why is the entity looking to use alternative energy?
Sides: Which forms of alternative energy might be suitable? What are the pros and cons of each one?
Resolution: Which form is best suited for the need that is introduced in the Issue stage?
- Use these phrases to help structure your presentation and help your audience ‘navigate’ your talk. Check out these great body language slides.
You will be assessed using this framework.[/tabcontent][/wptabsy]